SSH no ports provides ssh to a remote Linux device with out that device having any ports open

Now for a little internet optimism

Ssh! No ports

ssh no ports provides a way to ssh to a remote linux host/device without that device having any open ports (not even 22) on external interfaces. All network connectivity is out bound and there is no need to know the IP address the device has been given. As long as the device has an IP address, DNS and Internet access, you will be able to connect to it.

Quick demo

There are two binaries:-

sshnpd : The daemon that runs on the remote device

sshnp : The client that sets up a connection to the device which yoiu can then ssh to via your localhost interface

To get going you just need the binaries or run them with dart and two @signs and the .atKeys files. Once you have the @atsigns ( for free or paid @signs), drop the binaries in place on each machine(s) and put the keys in ~/.atsign/keys directory. You will need a device @sign and a manager @sign, but each device can also have a unique device name using the –device argument

Once in place you can start up the daemon first on the remote device. Remember to start the daemon on start up using rc.local script or similar.

dart bin/ssh_control.dart --atsign <@your_devices_atsign> --manager <@your_manager_atsign> --device <iot_device_name> -u

Once that has started up you can run the client code from another machine.

dart run bin/ssh_trigger.dart --from <@your_manager_atsign> --to <@your_devices_atsign> --host <> -l --local-port --device <iot_device_name>

The –host specifies a DNS name of the openssh sever of the client machine that the remote device can connect to. If everything goes to plan the client will complete and tell you how to connect to the remote host for example.

ssh -p 2222 cconstab@localhost

When you run this you will be connect to the rmeote machine via a reverse ssh tunnel from the remote device. Which means you can now turn off ssh from listening all all interfaces instead have ssh listen just on

That is easily done by editing /etc/ssh/sshd.config

#Port 22
#AddressFamily any
#ListenAddress ::

And restarting the ssh daemon. Please make sure you start the sshnpd on startup and reboot and check.. As this is beta code it is suggested to wrap the daemon in a shell script or have sysctld make sure it is running.

My preference whilst testing was to run the daemon in TMUX so it is easy to see the logs (-v).

Thoughts/bugs/contributions via PR all very welcome!

Who is this tool for?

System Admins Network Admins IoT Manufacturers Anyone running ssh open to a hostile network!


Created by The @ Company

original code base by


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