Quotes app in flutter using node js api with smooth aniamations
Quotes App
This is a Quotes app that allows users to browse and explore different categories of quotes. Users can view quotes in a list format, tap on a quote to view it in full screen, and perform actions such as copying, downloading, and sharing quotes. The app utilizes the Provider package for state management and connects to a Node.js backend API for retrieving the quotes.
Demo Video
Click here to watch the demo video of the Quotes app.
- View a list of quotes on the home screen
- Browse quotes by different categories
- Tap on a quote to view it in full screen
- Copy quotes to the clipboard
- Download quotes to the device
- Share quotes with others
- Add new quotes using the “Ideas” feature
Technologies Used
- Flutter: A cross-platform framework for building mobile apps
- Provider: A state management package for Flutter
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime for server-side development
- Clone the repository:https://github.com/bunty-kumar/flutter_quotes.git
- Change to the project directory.
- Install dependencies.
- Run the app.
This app was developed by Bunty kumar(Android/Flutter Developer).
This project is licensed under the [Bunty Kumar] (LICENSE).