Preloading logic to reduce video initialization in Flutter


Preloading logic to reduce video initialization

Demo ?

Logic ?

Usage ?

To clone and run this application, you'll need git and flutter installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd flutter_preload_videos.git

# Install dependencies
$ flutter packages get

# Run the app
$ flutter run

Packages ?

Package Description
video_player Render videos in Flutter
build_runner Build Custom Models
flutter_bloc BLoC State Management
freezed Code generation for immutable classes

Directory Structure ?

The project directory structure is as follows:

├── android
├── asset
├── build
├── images
├── ios
├── lib
├── test
├── analysis_options.yaml
├── pubspec.lock
├── pubspec.yaml
