Onboard package for Flutter project

Easy Onboard ?

Getting Started

It is an easy to use package for flutter projects.

  • you need to do a quick project and you care about design. Include the package in your project and use it quickly.
  • You just have to write the texts and the image widget.
  • Write your primary color and color your project.


1. Depend on it

Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file:

  easy_onboard: ^1.0.2

2. Install it

You can install packages from the command line:

with pub:

$ pub get

with Flutter:

$ flutter pub get

3. Import it

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:easy_onboard/easy_onboard.dart';


First, include the package in your project.Then add the code below to the widget tree.

Do not leave any missing parameters.

          primaryColor: const Color(0xff6C63FF),
          onboardPages: [
            OnboardModel(imagePath: 'imagePath', title: 'title', subTitle: 'subTitle'),
            OnboardModel(imagePath: 'imagePath', title: 'title', subTitle: 'subTitle'),
            OnboardModel(imagePath: 'imagePath', title: 'title', subTitle: 'subTitle'),
          lastText: 'Start',
          nextText: 'Next',
          skipText: 'Skip',
          skipButtonPressed: () {},
  • The primary color variable is the color theme of the package.

  • It takes the OnboardModel in the onboardPages list and the number of models must be bigger than 2.

  • OnboarModel contains imagePath,title,subtitle and these fields cannot be empty.

Don't forget to define the images in pubspec.yaml.

    - assets/images/
  • lastText, nextText,skipText are string definitions and appear on the screen.

  • Write in the skipButtonPressed function what to do after the Onboard screen.


  skipButtonPressed: () {
            MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => const SecondRoute()),



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