Millipede Shoe Store Built With GetX and Firebase

Millipede Shoe Store

The store is based on Flutter.

Getting Started

This site is designed with Flutter Framework version (2.5.1) and GetX architecture. In the construction of this store, the features of ​​Firebase (authentication, Firestore, Firestorage) has been used. This application consists of two parts: admin and user

Admin section

In this section, we can store the number of photos of shoes along with the name, price, size, color and number of shoes (in the next update) in different categories.


This part includes different sections. In the main section, we can see all the shoes, look at my profile and see the shoes we bought in the shopping cart. To check and see more details, you can run the code and go to different sections, and if you see a problem in the Issue section, tell us. to run the following code in the terminal after cloning:

flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html
  • Don't forget to turn on your VPN before running if you are one of the countries banned by Google.



Home Page

Detail Page




Animation Authentication
