Highlight Flutter text at the character-level


Highlight Flutter text at the character-level. Designed for case-insensitive search-term highlighting, a single search term sub-string is highlighted (perhaps multiple times) within a longer string. Inspired by the existing Flutter package "highlight_text," but supports sub-word character matches (e.g., 't' in 'Peter'). Limits: Only supports a single search term and does not support clickable highlighted sub-strings.

The substrings being searched for highlighting don't have to match at the beginning of the longer strings (can be anywhere inside, case-insensitive).

Even space characters will match, but not be highlighted, per se.

Ancestor MUST have {textDirection} set, either through {MaterialApp widget} or explicitly wrapped by a {Directionality} widget:

Directionality(child: SubstringHighlight(text: 'Peter', term: 't'), textDirection: TextDirection.ltr)

Default Styling Example


As an example, the following code snippet uses this package to highlight matching characters in each search result:

import 'package:substring_highlight/substring_highlight.dart';


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
      child: SubstringHighlight(
        text: dropDownItem,     // search result string from database or something
        term: searchTerm,       // user typed "et"


Customized Styling Example


This example adds 'textStyle' and 'textStyleHighlight' to change the colors of the text:

import 'package:substring_highlight/substring_highlight.dart';


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
      child: SubstringHighlight(
        text: dropDownItem,                         // each string needing highlighting
        term: searchTerm,                           // user typed "m4a"        
        textStyle: TextStyle(                       // non-highlight style                       
          color: Colors.grey,
        textStyleHighlight: TextStyle(              // highlight style
          color: Colors.black,
          decoration: TextDecoration.underline,


