A parallax package for touch-based devices, providing a visually appealing user experience


A parallax package for touch-based devices, providing a visually appealing user experience.

Getting started

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

    parallax: <latest_version>

Add the following import:

import 'package:parallax/parallax.dart';

Provide a required List<String> of images and change the remaining optional parameters to your liking. For example:

final List<String> listOfImages = [

      parallaxImages: listOfImages,
      skewAlpha: 3.0,
      skewBeta: 7.0,
      height: 300.0,
      width: 500.0,
      paddingHorizontal: 10.0,
      viewportFraction: 0.8,
      circularBorder: true,


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