Games Poker developed using Flutter
Adeku Akur (Aku dan Kamu Devs Games Asian Poker User)
Games Poker developed using Flutter
Beta Version.
Screenshot Adeku Akur Beta Version:
Dev by: Aku dan Kamu Devs.
Developed date: 20 December 2021.
- Flutter SDK:
- Visual Studio Code:
- Plugin Dart and Flutter Extension Visual Studio Code: Press Ctrl + Shift + X for opening marketplace extensions.
- Extract file Flutter SDK to your PC.
- Setting Env Variable in path and system: locate folder flutter and flutter/bin.
- Internet, min you have internet data 4GB.
- RAM min : 2GB.
- You can simple continue developed Adeku Akur visiting website:
- Create account,login,and then upload file zip project Adeku Akur.
Feature release in beta version:
- Loading screen image Giff.
Release APK Beta Version:
- Loading Screen.
- Icon default is Flutter Logo.
in full source code:
- Icon already added in folder android/app/main/resource and then you can pub get for compiled.
- Icon name is ic_launcher, please don’t edit.
Comingsoon feature release:
- Navigation menu feature: Playing games poker web, playing poker games, and about app.
Adeku Akur rilis apknya hanya menampilkan loading screen gif,warna text dan icon masih memakai icon default yaitu logo Flutter.
Fitur yang segera rilis:
- Menu Fitur Navigasi terdiri dari: main game poker melalui website games online poker, main game poker langsung di handpohone, dan tentang aplikasi dan developer.
- Flutter SDK:
- Visual Studio Code:
- Plugin Dart and Flutter Extension Visual Studio Code: Press Ctrl + Shift + X for opening marketplace extensions.
- Extract file Flutter SDK ke PC kalian.
- Setting Env Variable path dan system: copy paste lokasi folder flutter and flutter/bin.
- Internet minimal: kuota 4GB.
- RAM minimial: 2GB.
- Mau lebih simple untuk kontribusi project?, kunjungi website FlutLab:
- Buat Akun,login,dan kemudian upload file zip project Adeku Akur.