Flutter wrapper widget for Avataaars API


Flutter wrapper widget for Avataaars API – a free online avatar generator for anyone to make their beautiful personal avatar easily.

Getting Started

  1. Create Avataaar object:

// Create avatar with default constructor
  skin: Skin.pale,
  style: Style.circle,
  top: Top.longHairCurly(
    accessoriesType: AccessoriesType.Round,
    facialHair: FacialHair.beardMagestic(
      facialHairColor: FacialHairColor.BlondeGolden,

// Randomize all properties

// Or mix both
  skin: Skin.pale,
  style: Style.circle,
  top: Top.longHairCurly(
    accessoriesType: AccessoriesType.Round,
    facialHair: FacialHair.random,
  1. Create AvataaarGenerator widget and pass it the avatar:

  avataaar: avataaar,
  onTranslateKey: (String key) {
  return Translate.get(key);
  onChangeAvataaar:() {setState((){});},

// By default package will use SvgPicture to render the image. AvataaarPicture could be used to create a custom
// [builder] constructor and create widget for given image url:
  builder: (context, avataaar) {
    // ...

Persisting avatars

Use Avataaar.toJson() and Avataaar.fromJson(String) methods to serialize/deserialize avatars.

Getting image bytes

Use the funtion getPngFromSvg from the class Avataaar to get the File.


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