Flutter plugin to run all creme sharing routines

Creme Share plugin

A Flutter plugin to share content from your Flutter app to social apps.

Platform Support

Android (WIP) iOS


To use this plugin, add creme_share as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

    url: https://github.com/creme-tech/creme-sharing.git
    ref: <commit id or branch name>

Initial Requirements

Bellow are the obligatory requirements that your app must meet to use awesome_notifications:




You need to add two fields in the info.plist file:

  1. Allow Listing Facebook’s Custom URL Scheme that’s just add the text below on info.plist:

  1. Add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription field on info.plist seems like:

	<string>for storage temporary images before share to Instagram</string>

You can see that configuration on the example app on commit fab7671f21ed8eb8998c589b7423dbc36374da82.

Example Apps

With the examples bellow, you can check all the features and how to use the Creme Sharing in your app.

https://github.com/creme-tech/creme-sharing/tree/main/example Complete example with all the features available

To run the examples, follow the steps bellow:

  1. Clone the project to your local machine
  2. Open the project with Android Studio or any other IDE
  3. Sync the project dependencies running flutter pub get
  4. On iOS, run pod install to sync the native dependencies
  5. Debug the application with a real device or emulator


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