Flutter package for payment gateway bKash (Bangladesh)

bKash(BD) Mobile Finance Payment Gateway for Flutter

This is a Flutter package for bKash BD Payment Gateway. This package can be used in flutter project. We created this package while working for a project and thought to made it release for all so that it helps.

How to use:

Depend on it, Run this command With Flutter:

$ flutter pub add flutter_bkash

This will add a line like this to your package’s pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

    flutter_bkash: ^0.1.0

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more. Import it

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:flutter_bkash/flutter_bkash.dart';


examples for see the /example folder.

Here is the example code

    // amount of your bkash payment  
    amount: '20',  
    // intent would be (sale / authorization)  
    intent: 'sale',  
    // accessToken: '', // if the user have own access token for verify payment  
    // currency: 'BDT', // bkash url for create payment, when you implement on you project then it be change as your production create url  
    createBKashUrl: 'https://merchantserver.sandbox.bka.sh/api/checkout/v1.2.0-beta/payment/create',  
    // bkash url for execute payment, , when you implement on you project then it be change as your production create url  
    executeBKashUrl: 'https://merchantserver.sandbox.bka.sh/api/checkout/v1.2.0-beta/payment/execute',  
    // for script url, when you implement on production the set it live script js  
    scriptUrl: 'https://scripts.sandbox.bka.sh/versions/1.2.0-beta/checkout/bKash-checkout-sandbox.js',  
    // the return value from the package  
    // status => 'paymentSuccess', 'paymentFailed', 'paymentError', 'paymentClose' // data => return value of response  paymentStatus: (status, data) {  
    dev.log('return status => $status');  
    dev.log('return data => $data');

    // when payment success  
    if (status == 'paymentSuccess') {
        if (data['transactionStatus'] == 'Completed') {
            Style.basicToast('Payment Success');  
    // when payment failed  
    else if (status == 'paymentFailed') {
        if (data.isEmpty) {
            Style.errorToast('Payment Failed');
        } else if (data[0]['errorMessage'].toString() != 'null'){
            Style.errorToast("Payment Failed ${data[0]['errorMessage']}");
        } else {  
            Style.errorToast("Payment Failed");
    // when payment on error  
    else if (status == 'paymentError') {
    // when payment close on demand closed the windows  
    else if (status == 'paymentClose') {
        if (data == 'closedWindow') {
            Style.errorToast('Failed to payment, closed screen');
        } else if (data == 'scriptLoadedFailed') {
            Style.errorToast('Payment screen loading failed');
    // back to screen to pop()

Importance Notes

  • Read the comments in the example of code
  • intent – it would be ‘sale’ or ‘authorization’
  • Payment status return as ‘paymentSuccess’, ‘paymentFailed’, ‘paymentError’, ‘paymentClose’, find on this keyword of the payment status, then you get the data of response on specific status.


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