Flutter library to reduce flutter boilerplate code

How to use

bloc[Bloc extends BaseBloc]
interceptor[json decoder interceptor && token interceptor]
bloc --futureWrapper ----> repository
bloc --helperBloc.isLoading--> loading
bloc --helperBloc.hasFailure--> failure
bloc --result of futureWrapper is success --> child
repository --> localDataSource
localDataSource --> database
repository --> remoteDataSource
remoteDataSource --> interceptor
interceptor --> server

  • Create LocalDataSource for your app and make it depends on BaseLocalDataSource (it’s recommended to read BaseLocalDataSource section).

  • Create RemoteDataSource for your app and extends from BaseRemoteDataSource (it’s recommended to read BaseRemoteDataSource section).

  • Create SharedPrefDataSource for your app and extends from BaseSharedPreferences.

  • Add TokenInterceptor to take advantage of token management .

  • Add JsonDecoderInterceptor to take advantage of decoding json inside interceptors.

  • Create your repository and make it extends from BaseRepositiory, then start using ** requestData** function for your datasource calls (it’s recommended to read BaseRepositiory section).

  • If you are using Bloc as statemangement then create a sub class for BaseBlocPageState and override required functions.

  • For every bloc you create extend BaseBloc this will give you helper functions to fast the development process (it’s recommended to read Statemangment section).

Folder Structure

- lib

	|---- datasource
	|		|
	|		|--- local_data_soruce
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- i_base_local_data_source.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- base_local_data_source.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|--- remote_data_source
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- i_base_remote_data_source.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- base_remote_data_source.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|--- shared_preferences_data_source
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- i_base_shared_preferences.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- base_shared_preferences.dart
	|		|
	|---- repository
	|		|
	|		|--- base_repository.dart
	|		|
	|		|--- common_app_repository.dart
	|---- presentation
	|		|
	|		|--- mixins
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- bloc_builder_mixin.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- bloc_consumer_mixin.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- bloc_listener_mixin.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- bloc_provider_mixin.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- search_mixin.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- size_mixin.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- theme_mixin.dart
	|		|
	|		|--- widgets
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- base_bloc_page.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- base_state_widget.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- bloc_helper_widget.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- bloc_state_getit.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- bloc_state_provider.dart
	|		|
	|---- state_mangement
	|		|
	|		|--- bloc_state_mangement
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- base_bloc.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|--- helper_bloc
	|		|		|
	|		|		|	|-- helper_bloc.dart
	|		|		|	|
	|		|		|	|-- helper_state.dart
	|		|		|	|
	|		|		|	|-- helper_event.dart
	|		|
	|---- utils
	|		|
	|		|--- data_model_wrapper.dart
	|		|
	|		|--- token_constants.dart
	|		|
	|		|--- extensions
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- double_ext.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- int_ext.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- map_ext.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- string_ext.dart
	|		|
	|		|--- failures
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- base_failure.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- local_failures.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- network_failures.dart
	|		|
	|		|--- interceptors
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- json_decoder_interceptor.dart
	|		|		|
	|		|		|-- token_interceptor.dart
	|		|
	|---- constant.dart
	|---- type_defs.dart


  1. Failures:

    • BaseFailure:

      Base failure class which every failure must implement, has one property to override which is failureMessage

      • BaseRemoteDataSource:

        • Deserializer

          T Function(Object?) how to parse the json to an object.

        • Future<DataModelWrapper> request

          This function will make the Http request, parse the response and return DataModelWrapper based on http response.

        • failureParser(Response response)

          Return failure String base on response.

        • defaultErrorMessage

          The default message inside failures, if couldn’t failureParser return null.

        • wrapBodyWithBaseRequest(data)

          wrap requsted body with base request.


        graph LR
        A[Repository] --1- localCall --> B[LocalDataSource]
        A --2- remoteCall --> C[RemoteDataSource]
        C --3- data--> A
        A --4- saveRemoteDataFunction--> B

        • BaseRepository:

          • Future<DataModelWrapper> requestData

            This function will wrap calls going to datasource layer, and will manage getting the data either from remote server or local data base, and caching the result in localdatabase.


        • HelperBloc

          This bloc will provide three main functionallty: 1- PageLoading. 2- ErrorHandling. 3- Providing BuildContext to your bloc.

        • BaseBloc:

          void runFunctionWithContext(ContextCallback contextCallback) This function will provide BuildContext.

          Future<DataModelWrapper> futureWrapper : this function will wrap your future call and manage the page loading and displaying error message.


        • Mixins

          • SizeMixin:

            Will provide main size property for your state class.

          • ThemeMixin:

            Will provide main theme property for your state class.

          • SearchMixin:

            Will provide main search functionallty for your state class.

          • BlocProvidersMixin:

            Will inject a BlocProvider above your state class.

          • BlocListenerMixin:

            Will inject a BlocListener above your state class.

          • BlocConsumerMixin:

            Will inject a BlocConsumer above your state class.

          • BlocBuilderMixin:

            Will inject a BlocBuilder above your state class.

          • TokenInterceptor

            Helper interceptor to inject the authentication token in the request.

          • JsonDecoderInterceptor

            Helper interceptor to convert the json from String to Map<String, dyanmic>


          View Github