Flutter-based template for a business assistant application


GJAMAssist is an open source Flutter-based template for a business assistant application. It has been designed to use Google Firebase as backend.


  • Invoice generator
  • Party (supplier/customer) statement generator
  • Invoice/voucher viewer
  • Business dashboard
  • Report screens for account payable, receivables, stock items


Ledger statements
GST Invoices


Start out by cloning this repo.


  • Install Flutter by following the official documentation if you haven’t.
  • Using VSCode or Android Studio as your choice of IDEs is highly recommended. You can find official Flutter documentation for getting up and running with them here.
  • Make sure that you are on Flutter’s stable channel
    • flutter channel stable


  • Default app name is com.example.tassist. Choose your app’s name and replace the default name in the following files.
    • android/app/build.gradle
    • android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
    • android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml
    • android/app/src/profile/AndroidManifest.xml
    • android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/example/MainActivity.kt
  • Set up a Firebase project, generate a configuration file and copy the file to this repo by following Steps 1-3 listed here.
  • Enable Email/Password authentication method in the Firebase console. You can find it under Develop>Authentication>Sign-in method.
  • Enable Cloud Firestore by going to Develop>Database.


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