Flutter And firebase integration Guide

Quickstart Guide

This project still use my firebase server config, if you want to use your own you could follow these quicksteps:

  1. Login/register in firebase website

  2. Create your own project from Firebase Console https://console.firebase.google.com/.
  3. Follow the steps until your project get created.

  4. Get started by clicking on the android icon.

  5. Follow the steps until you can download your own google-services.json.
  6. Replace my google-services.json with your own on these path android/app/google-services.json.

Activating the Authentication features

  1. Click on Authentication in the sidebar and get started.
  2. Select Email/Password and enable it.

Activating the Firestore features

  1. Click on Authentication in the sidebar and get started.
  2. Select Create Database and the later config is up to you.

After activating both the authentication and firestore you should be able to use the application normally.


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