Flutter 3.0 Chat App, with Node Js, Mongoose and Token JWT Authentication


Flutter 3.0 Chat App, with Node Js, Mongoose and Token JWT Authentication.

The app allows you to have private and room chats.

Flutter/Node/MongoDB Chat

This folder has the files for the Flutter App.

You will need the folder with the Node Js files as well.


Login Page (Android):

Register Page (Android):

Users Page (Web App):

Private Chat Page (Web App):

Room Chat Page (Web App):

Getting Started

To start this project:

  1. Clone this Repository
  2. Clone the Node Files, run de Node app, wait for the message "DB Online"
  3. Run on your terminal => flutter pub get
  4. Select your Android Emulator or a Browser, and run the program
  5. The app has yet to be tested for iOS, let me know if it works!

Online Demo


If you don't want to register, you can use one of these demo users: 1@gmail.com, 2@gmail.com, 3@gmail.com, 4@gmail.com. Password = 1234

If you want to try the room chat, you can open different private tabs in your browser and login with several users at the same time.



