Dorilla Games website and app built with Flutter
Dorilla Games Responsive Web With Flutter
Dorilla Games brings together technology and entertainment by crafting creative mobile applications, games, and websites, providing unique and immersive experiences for both clients and its own projects.
Dorilla Games' website and application are built using Flutter (a powerful framework for cross-platform mobile and web development) with responsive design.
Application Features
- Reviewing applications made by Dorilla Games
- Access to communication platforms.
- Ability to contact directly for the project.
Application Structure
- Mvvm, Mvc
State Management
- Cubit (bloc)
Flutter 3.7.11
Dart 2.19.6
Mockup and Basis Requirements
State management - flutter_bloc: ^8.1.2
Email Service - emailjs: ^1.1.0
Widget Slider - carousel_slider: ^4.2.1
Animation Background - flare_flutter: ^3.0.2
Url and Email Launcher - url_launcher: ^6.1.11
Svg - flutter_svg:
Icons - cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
Linter - flutter_lints: ^2.0.0