Define and use scripts from your pubspec.yaml file

Run Pubspec Script (RPS)

Define and use scripts from your pubspec.yaml file.

Getting started

  1. Install this package.

    dart pub global activate rps
  2. Define script inside the pubspec.yaml

    name: my_great_app
    version: 1.0.0
       # run is a default script. To use it, simply type
       # in the command line: "rps" - that's all!
       run: "flutter run -t lib/main_development.dart --flavor development"
          # you can define more commands like this: "rps gen"
          gen: "flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs"
          # and even nest them!
          # rps build android apk
          apk: "flutter build --release apk --flavor production"
          # rps build android appbundle
          appbundle: "flutter build --release appbundle --flavor production"
          # and so on...
    # the rest of your pubspec file...
       path: ^1.7.0
  3. Use your custom command.

    Like this gen command that we defined in the previous step:

    rps gen

    instead of

     flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
  4. Safe a time and become a power user! ?

    Less time typing long commands more time watching funny cats. ?


You can use commands that will be executed before or after some command. Have a look at these scripts in the pubspec.yaml file.

    before-echo: echo "before-test"
    echo: echo "test" 
    after-echo: echo "after-test"

Running rps test echo command produces following output:

> test before-echo
$ echo "before-test"

> test echo
$ echo "test"

> test after-echo
$ echo "after-test"



I got bored of typing the same long commands over and over again… I even got bored of pressing that boring (and even small on a MacBook) up arrow key to find my previous command in history. So, as befits a programmer, to save time, I spent more time writing this library than searching/writing commands for the last year…


  • Further hooks improvements.

Hey you! This package is still in development (bugs may occur ??).


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