Clothes shopping app using Flutter, PHP and MySQL
Clothes Map
Demo app for online clothes shopping that I developed to demonstrate my skills.
🚀 Technology Stack
- Flutter framework && Dart language
- provider state management
- cached network image plugin
- regular expressions
- Restful APIs
- PHP + MySql backed
- geolocator plugin
- Sqflite local database
- google maps plugin
- http package
- google signIn
- facebook signIn
- firebase authentication
- shared preferences key-value storage
✔️ Features
- full backend system using pure PHP and MySql database.
- retrieve products and offers data from the server and display it on screen.
- shopping map that displays all dealers shops.
- simple search engine.
- sections screen with good-looking logos.
- simulates clothes shopping process.
- login system with 3 different methods (google, facebook, and email and password)
- password recovery feature with SMS authentication.
- ability to edit user profile.
📸 Screenshots
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