Beautiful pop up card with app bar and gutter designed for flutter


Stunnigly beautiful yet simple to use and customizeable popup card for flutter.

To see an example:

cd example/
flutter run --release

To use package:

import 'package:xen_popup_card/xen_card.dart';

Understanding with image

[Example] Screenshot for card with gutter only

[Example] Screenshot for card with both gutter and appbar


XenCardGutter gutter = const XenCardGutter(
  child: Padding(
    padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
    child: CustomButton(text: "close"),

App Bar

XenCardAppBar appBar = const XenCardAppBar(
  child: Text(
    "app bar",
    style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 28),
  shadow: BoxShadow(color: Colors.transparent),   // To remove shadow from appbar


XenPopupCard card = XenPopupCard(
  appBar: appBar,
  gutter: gutter,
  body: ListView(
    children: const [

[Example] popup card with only gutter

// card with gutter only
// no appbar
Widget cardWithGutterOnly() => TextButton(
      onPressed: () => showDialog(
        context: context,
        builder: (builder) => XenPopupCard(
          gutter: gutter,
          body: ListView(
            children: const [
      child: const Text("open card with  gutter only"),

[Example] popup card with only appbar

// card with appbar only
// no gutter
Widget cardWithAppBarOnly() => TextButton(
      onPressed: () => showDialog(
        context: context,
        builder: (builder) => XenPopupCard(
          appBar: appBar,
          body: ListView(
            children: const [
      child: const Text("open card with appbar only"),

[Example] popup card with only body

// card with body only
// no appbar and gutter
Widget cardWithBodyOnly() => TextButton(
      onPressed: () => showDialog(
        context: context,
        builder: (builder) => XenPopupCard(
          body: ListView(
            children: const [
      child: const Text("open card with body only"),

[Example] popup card with both gutter and appbar

// card with both gutter and app bar
Widget cardWithGutterAndAppBar() => TextButton(
      onPressed: () => showDialog(
        context: context,
        builder: (builder) => XenPopupCard(
          appBar: appBar,
          gutter: gutter,
          body: ListView(
            children: const [
      child: const Text("open card with gutter and app bar"),

Full working example

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:xen_popup_card/xen_card.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MaterialApp(home: ExampleApp()));

class ExampleApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const ExampleApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<ExampleApp> createState() => _ExampleAppState();

class _ExampleAppState extends State<ExampleApp> {
  // APP BAR
  // [XenCardAppBar]
  XenCardAppBar appBar = const XenCardAppBar(
    child: Text(
      "app bar",
      style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 28),
    // To remove shadow from appbar
    shadow: BoxShadow(color: Colors.transparent),

  // [XenCardGutter]
  XenCardGutter gutter = const XenCardGutter(
    child: Padding(
      padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
      child: CustomButton(text: "close"),

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
          children: <Widget>[

  // card with both gutter and app bar
  Widget cardWithGutterAndAppBar() => TextButton(
        onPressed: () => showDialog(
          context: context,
          builder: (builder) => XenPopupCard(
            appBar: appBar,
            gutter: gutter,
            body: ListView(
              children: const [
        child: const Text("open card with gutter and app bar"),

  // card with body only
  // no appbar and gutter
  Widget cardWithBodyOnly() => TextButton(
        onPressed: () => showDialog(
          context: context,
          builder: (builder) => XenPopupCard(
            body: ListView(
              children: const [
        child: const Text("open card with body only"),

  // card with appbar only
  // no gutter
  Widget cardWithAppBarOnly() => TextButton(
        onPressed: () => showDialog(
          context: context,
          builder: (builder) => XenPopupCard(
            appBar: appBar,
            body: ListView(
              children: const [
        child: const Text("open card with appbar only"),

  // card with gutter only
  // no appbar
  Widget cardWithGutterOnly() => TextButton(
        onPressed: () => showDialog(
          context: context,
          builder: (builder) => XenPopupCard(
            gutter: gutter,
            body: ListView(
              children: const [
        child: const Text("open card with  gutter only"),

// custom button
// ignore
class CustomButton extends StatelessWidget {
  const CustomButton({Key? key, required this.text, this.color})
      : super(key: key);

  final String text;
  final Color? color;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return InkWell(
      onTap: () => Navigator.pop(context),
      child: Material(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5),
        color: const Color(0xff6200ee),
        child: Padding(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
          child: FittedBox(
            fit: BoxFit.scaleDown,
            child: Center(
              child: Text(text,
                  style: const TextStyle(
                      fontSize: 17,
                      color: Colors.white,
                      fontWeight: FontWeight.w500)),


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