An official event app for HackRU with flutter

One App Flutter

A cross-platform mobile application for hackers, organizers, mentors, and sponsors at the HackRU. HackRU is a 24-hour hackathon at Rutgers University. Hackers would be able to get announcements, a QR code for checking, food, t-shirts, as well as see the schedule and map for the hackathon. Organizers & Volunteers would be able to scan hacker's qr code for check-in, food, t-shirts, etc. In backend, we utilize qr scanning data for analytics that can be used after or even during the hackathon. Any more ideas to expand this project are always welcome.



How did this project come to be?

We had started using an inhouse hybrid mobile application to keep track of analytics to get a better idea of how certain aspects of the hackathon were running such as food consumption and optimization for checkin. This project expanded into a public native mobile application so hackers had easier access to their QR code as well as organizers with their scanners. Additional information of the hackathon were incorporated so that everyone would be able to stay up to date on events that are happeneing wherever they may be in the venue.

Style Guide

We use dartfmt style guide for this project. Follow these guidelines for the IDE setup --> Dart Formatting

Installation Guide

First, install Flutter and Dart on your machine by following these guidelines: Get Started

  1. git clone
  2. cd OneAppFlutter (find OneAppFlutter directory on your machine)
  3. flutter pub get
  4. flutter run

Want to Contribute?:

  • Creat a new branch and then make a pull request.
  • Make sure you follow dartfmt style guides as mentioned above
  • Contributors should also follow Git Style Guide

To learn about Flutter App Development:

Running Backend tests

  1. also have command line dart installed
  2. setup test users and use the test endpoint in hackru-service
  3. export LCS_USER="<username>" for LCS_USER, LCS_PASSWORD, LCS_USER2, LCS_PASSWORD2
  • lcs user should have the director role
  1. cd lib && dart test.dart

For Users

  • For Android: Search for HackRU app
  • For iOS: Search for HackRU Official app
