An intuitive Token Parser that includes syntax/grammar definition, tokenization and parsing

Token Parser

An intuitive Token Parser that includes syntax/grammar definition, tokenization and parsing.


  • Tokenization
  • Parsing
  • Syntax/grammar definition

Getting Started

dart pub add token_parser

And import the package:

import 'package:token_parser/token_parser.dart';


The Tokenization process is divided into three steps:

  1. Syntax/Grammar Definition
  2. Tokenization
  3. Parsing

Below will be a brief explanation of each step.

Syntax/Grammar Definition

The syntax/grammar definition is done by defining what each token must have.

A token represents an expression, which then can be used in other tokens to compose a grammar.

final abc = 'a' | 'b' | 'c';
final def = 'd' | 'e' | 'f';

final expression = abc & def;

Using the & operator to combine tokens as “and” and the | operator to combine tokens as “or”, we can define an expression that can take any combination of the tokens abc and def.

Tokens may be extended to have slightly different properties:

final abc = ('a' | 'b' | 'c').multiple;

final expression = abc & 'd'.optional;

For convenience, a token can be defined using a regular expression:

final digit = '[0-9]'.regex;
final number = digit.multiple & ('.' & digit.multiple).optional;

final letter = '[a-zA-Z]'.regex;
final word = letter.multiple;
final phrase = word & ((' ' & word).multiple).optional;


Any token


final abc = 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | Token.reference('def');
final def = ('d' | 'e' | 'f') & Token.self();

final parser = TokenParser(
  main: phrase | number,
  token: {
    'digit': digit,
    'number': number,

    'letter': letter,
    'word': word,
    'phrase': phrase,

    'abc': 'a' | 'b' | 'c',
    'def': 'd' | 'e' | 'f',

final parser = TokenParser();

parser.add('digit', digit);
parser.add( ... );

parser.addMain(phrase | number);


parser.parse('two words');

final match = parser.parse('two words');

final words = match?.get(word);
final letters = match?.get(letter);

print('Words: ${ words?.map((match) => match.value) }');
print('Letters: ${ letters?.get(letter).map((match) => match.value) }');
  • match.children
  • match.get(token)
  • match.getNamed('name')


Tokenization (example/main.dart)

import 'package:token_parser/token_parser.dart';

void main() {
  final whitespace = ' ' | '\t';
  final lineBreak = '\n' | '\r';
  final space = (whitespace | lineBreak).multiple;

  final letter = '[a-zA-Z]'.regex;
  final digit = '[0-9]'.regex;

  final identifier = letter & (letter | digit).multiple.optional;
  final number = digit.multiple & ('.' & digit.multiple).optional;
  final string = '"' & '[^"]*'.regex & '"'
               | "'" & "[^']*".regex & "'";

  final variableDeclaration =
    'var' & space & identifier & space.optional & '=' & space.optional & (number | string) & space.optional & (';' | space);

  final parser = TokenParser(
    main: (variableDeclaration | space).multiple,
    tokens: {
      'whitespace': whitespace,
      'lineBreak': lineBreak,
      'space': space,

      'letter': letter,
      'digit': digit,

      'identifier': identifier,

      'number': number,
      'string': string,

      'variableDeclaration': variableDeclaration,

  final match = parser.parse('''
    var hello = "world";
    var foo = 123;
    var bar = 123.456;
  final numbers = match?.get(number).map((match) =>;
  final identifiers = match?.get(identifier).map((match) => '"${ }"');

  print('Numbers: $numbers');
  print('Identifiers: $identifiers');
Referencing (example/reference.dart)

import 'package:token_parser/token_parser.dart';

void main() {
  final expression = 'a' & Token.reference('characterB').optional;
  final characterB = 'b'.token();

  final recursive = 'a' & Token.self().optional;

  final parser = TokenParser(
    main: expression,
    tokens: {
      'expression': expression,
      'characterB': characterB,
      'recursive': recursive,

  print(parser.parse('aaa', recursive)?.get(recursive));


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