An image picker similar with Instagram, supports multi picking, crop and aspect ratio

Instagram Assets Picker

NOTE: This repository is still in early stage of development. Contributions are welcomed!

An image picker based on Instagram picker UI. It is using the powerful flutter_wechat_assets_picker package to handle the picker and a custom version of image_crop for crop.

🚀 Features

  • ✅ Instagram layout
    • Scroll behaviors, animation
    • Preview, select, unselect action logic
  • ✅ Theme and language customization
  • ✅ Multiple images pick (with maximum limit)
  • ✅ Restore state of picker after pop
  • ✅ Change aspect ratio from 1:1 to 4:5
  • ✅ Crop all images at once and receive a stream with a progress value
  • ❌ Videos are not supported

📸 Screenshots

Layout and scroll Crop

📖 Installation

Since this package is a custom delegate of flutter_wechat_assets_picker you must follow this package setup recommandation : installation guide.

👀 Usage

For more details check out the example.

Future<void> callPicker() => InstaAssetPicker.pickAssets(
        title: 'Select images',
        maxAssets: 10,
        onCompleted: (Stream<InstaAssetsExportDetails> stream) {
            // TODO : handle crop stream result
            // i.e : display it using a StreamBuilder
            // - in the same page (closeOnComplete=true)
            // - send it to another page (closeOnComplete=false)
            // or use `stream.listen` to handle the data manually in your state manager
            // - ...

Fields in InstaAssetsExportDetails:

Name Type Description
croppedFiles List<File> List of all cropped files
selectedAssets List<AssetEntity> Selected assets without crop
aspectRatio double Selected aspect ratio (1 or 4/5)
progress double Progress indicator of the exportation (between 0 and 1)

Regarding picker configuration : AssetPickerConfig

Regarding textDelegate : Localizations

✨ Credit

This package is based on flutter_wechat_assets_picker by AlexV525 and image_crop by lykhonis.


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