An easy-to-use flutter http network requests handler with more functionality than http but more simpler than dio
An easy-to-use flutter http network requests handler with more functionality than http but more simpler than dio.
Platform | Supported |
Android | ✅ |
iOS | ✅ |
Web | ✅ |
Windows | ✅ |
Linux | ✅ |
Mac | ✅ |
The package adds functionality to add interceptors to http requests.
Safe Logging
The package offers safe logging where logs only happen on an active dart debug vm.
Error Handling
The package offers error handling out of the box to handle almost all http errors.
Getting started
Add the package to pubspec.yaml
network_requests: // use the latest version
Platform specific configuration
To allow your application to access the Internet, add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
import 'package:network_requests/network_requests.dart' as req;
final client = req.NetworkRequest.instance;
// * Add auth header interceptor.
// * Ideally this should be done on the main method before doing any network calls.
final url = Uri.https('', 'whatsit/create');
final response = await, body: {'name': 'doodle', 'color': 'blue'});
Additional information
The below shows the structure of the ApiResponse class returned from every API call.
Name | Description | Type |
status | The status code returned from the api call | int |
message | The status code message received from the api call | String |
success | The success status of api call, will be true if the request is successful and false if vice-versa | bool |
data | The data received from the api call | Object |
exception | The error received from the api call | Object |
Issues and Feature Requests
If you notice any bug or want to request for a feature, please fill free to raise an issue at: Issues/Feature