An application that was developed on Rocketseat NLW5 rebuilt using Flutter


Plant Manager is an application that was developed on Rocketseat NLW5 with React Native but was rebuilt using Flutter.

? Technologies

This project was developed with the following technologies:

? Project

Plant Manager is an application that was developed on Rocketseat NLW5 with React Native but was rebuilt using Flutter.

? Layout

In the links below you will find the layout of the web project.

Getting Started

First, install all dependencies and run app with your emulator:

# Install dependencies
flutter pub get

# Run app on android emulator
adb reverse tcp:3000 tcp:3000
flutter run -d emulator-5554

emulator-5554 is a example, get name of your emulator with command: flutter devices

Now install globally json-server on your system

npm install -g json-server
# or
yarn global add json-server

Run fake api

json-server --watch server.json -p 3000 -d 2000
