A working Twitter clone written in Flutter using Firebase auth,realtime,firestore database and storage

Twitter clone in flutter

A working Twitter clone written in Flutter using Firebase auth,realtime,firestore database and storage.


Welcome Page Login Page Signup Page Forgot Password Page
Home Page Sidebaar Home Page Home Page Home Page
Compose Tweet Page Reply To Tweet Reply to Tweet Compose Retweet with comment
Tweet Detail Page Tweet Thread Nested Tweet Thread Tweet options
Notification Page Notification Page Notification Page Notification Setting Page
Profile Page Profile Page Profile Page Profile Page
Select User Page Chat Page Chat Users List Conversation Info Page
Search Page Search Setting Page Tweet Options – 1 Tweet Options – 2
Setting Page Account Setting Page Privacy Setting Page Privacy Settings Page
Content Prefrences Page Display Setting Page Data Settings Page Accessibility Settings
Users who likes Tweet About Setting Page Licenses Settings Settings

Getting started

Click to expand

1. Setup Flutter

2. Clone the repo

$ git https://github.com/TheAlphamerc/flutter_twitter_clone.git
$ cd flutter_twitter_clone/

3. Setup the firebase app

  1. You’ll need to create a Firebase instance. Follow the instructions at https://console.firebase.google.com.
  2. Once your Firebase instance is created, you’ll need to enable Google authentication.
  • Go to the Firebase Console for your new instance.
  • Click “Authentication” in the left-hand menu
  • Click the “sign-in method” tab
  • Click “Google” and enable it
  • Click “Email/Password” and enable it
  1. Enable the Firebase Database
  • Go to the Firebase Console
  • Click “Database” in the left-hand menu
  • Click the Realtime “Create Database” button
  • Select “Start in test mode” and “Enable”
  1. (skip if not running on Android)
  • Create an app within your Firebase instance for Android, with package name com.thealphamerc.flutter_twitter_clone
  • Run the following command to get your SHA-1 key:

keytool -exportcert -list -v \
-alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore
  • In the Firebase console, in the settings of your Android app, add your SHA-1 key by clicking “Add Fingerprint”.
  • Follow instructions to download google-services.json
  • place google-services.json into /android/app/.
  1. (skip if not running on iOS)
  • Create an app within your Firebase instance for iOS, with your app package name
  • Follow instructions to download GoogleService-Info.plist
  • Open XCode, right click the Runner folder, select the “Add Files to ‘Runner'” menu, and select the GoogleService-Info.plist file to add it to /ios/Runner in XCode
  • Open /ios/Runner/Info.plist in a text editor. Locate the CFBundleURLSchemes key. The second item in the array value of this key is specific to the Firebase instance. Replace it with the value for REVERSED_CLIENT_ID from GoogleService-Info.plist

Directory Structure

Click to expand

|-- lib
|   |-- helper
|   |   |-- constant.dart
|   |   |-- customRoute.dart
|   |   |-- enum.dart
|   |   |-- routes.dart
|   |   |-- theme.dart
|   |   |-- utility.dart
|   |   '-- validator.dart
|   |-- main.dart
|   |-- model
|   |   |-- chatModel.dart
|   |   |-- feedModel.dart
|   |   |-- notificationModel.dart
|   |   '-- user.dart
|   |-- page
|   |   |-- Auth
|   |   |   |-- forgetPasswordPage.dart
|   |   |   |-- selectAuthMethod.dart
|   |   |   |-- signin.dart
|   |   |   |-- signup.dart
|   |   |   |-- verifyEmail.dart
|   |   |   '-- widget
|   |   |       '-- googleLoginButton.dart
|   |   |-- common
|   |   |   |-- sidebar.dart
|   |   |   |-- splash.dart
|   |   |   |-- usersListPage.dart
|   |   |   '-- widget
|   |   |       '-- userListWidget.dart
|   |   |-- feed
|   |   |   |-- composeTweet
|   |   |   |   |-- composeTweet.dart
|   |   |   |   |-- state
|   |   |   |   |   '-- composeTweetState.dart
|   |   |   |   '-- widget
|   |   |   |       |-- composeBottomIconWidget.dart
|   |   |   |       |-- composeTweetImage.dart
|   |   |   |       '-- widgetView.dart
|   |   |   |-- feedPage.dart
|   |   |   |-- feedPostDetail.dart
|   |   |   '-- imageViewPage.dart
|   |   |-- homePage.dart
|   |   |-- message
|   |   |   |-- chatListPage.dart
|   |   |   |-- chatScreenPage.dart
|   |   |   |-- conversationInformation
|   |   |   |   '-- conversationInformation.dart
|   |   |   '-- newMessagePage.dart
|   |   |-- notification
|   |   |   '-- notificationPage.dart
|   |   |-- profile
|   |   |   |-- EditProfilePage.dart
|   |   |   |-- follow
|   |   |   |   |-- followerListPage.dart
|   |   |   |   '-- followingListPage.dart
|   |   |   |-- profileImageView.dart
|   |   |   |-- profilePage.dart
|   |   |   '-- widgets
|   |   |       '-- tabPainter.dart
|   |   |-- search
|   |   |   '-- SearchPage.dart
|   |   '-- settings
|   |       |-- accountSettings
|   |       |   |-- about
|   |       |   |   '-- aboutTwitter.dart
|   |       |   |-- accessibility
|   |       |   |   '-- accessibility.dart
|   |       |   |-- accountSettingsPage.dart
|   |       |   |-- contentPrefrences
|   |       |   |   |-- contentPreference.dart
|   |       |   |   '-- trends
|   |       |   |       '-- trendsPage.dart
|   |       |   |-- dataUsage
|   |       |   |   '-- dataUsagePage.dart
|   |       |   |-- displaySettings
|   |       |   |   '-- displayAndSoundPage.dart
|   |       |   |-- notifications
|   |       |   |   '-- notificationPage.dart
|   |       |   |-- privacyAndSafety
|   |       |   |   |-- directMessage
|   |       |   |   |   '-- directMessage.dart
|   |       |   |   '-- privacyAndSafetyPage.dart
|   |       |   '-- proxy
|   |       |       '-- proxyPage.dart
|   |       |-- settingsAndPrivacyPage.dart
|   |       '-- widgets
|   |           |-- headerWidget.dart
|   |           |-- settingsAppbar.dart
|   |           '-- settingsRowWidget.dart
|   |-- state
|   |   |-- appState.dart
|   |   |-- authState.dart
|   |   |-- chats
|   |   |   '-- chatState.dart
|   |   |-- feedState.dart
|   |   |-- notificationState.dart
|   |   '-- searchState.dart
|   '-- widgets
|       |-- bottomMenuBar
|       |   |-- HalfPainter.dart
|       |   |-- bottomMenuBar.dart
|       |   '-- tabItem.dart
|       |-- customAppBar.dart
|       |-- customWidgets.dart
|       |-- newWidget
|       |   |-- customClipper.dart
|       |   |-- customLoader.dart
|       |   |-- customProgressbar.dart
|       |   |-- customUrlText.dart
|       |   |-- emptyList.dart
|       |   |-- rippleButton.dart
|       |   '-- title_text.dart
|       '-- tweet
|           |-- tweet.dart
|           '-- widgets
|               |-- parentTweet.dart
|               |-- retweetWidget.dart
|               |-- tweetBottomSheet.dart
|               |-- tweetIconsRow.dart
|               |-- tweetImage.dart
|               '-- unavailableTweet.dart
|-- pubspec.yaml


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