A simple Gantt chart generator written as Dart command line tool

Gantt Chart Generator

This is a simple Gantt chart generator written as Dart command line tool. Currently the tool generates an HTML/CSS Gantt chart. It uses only div & span for HTML and everything else is done in CSS. This allows you to cut/paste the output into a wiki pages that filter content, in particular Confluence.


  1. Install Dart. I recommend installing it via Flutter.
  2. Create a sample JSON/JSON5 file (see below)
  3. Build and run the tool with dart pub global run gantt_generator -i scratch/project.json5 -o scratch/index.html
  4. Run a tool like live-reload to view the index.html output in real time

Interesting Details

The tool uses the following packages:

It’s a tool to solve a problem that I had. I will probably add generation of JPEG/PNG images at some point.

Q: Why did I write it in Dart? A: Because I’ve been developing Flutter apps for a while and I wanted to see what the state of the Dart ecosystem was for creating non-Flutter applications in Dart.

Sample Project File

Here’s a sample project file to show the format that the tool expects:

  startDate: "1/17/2022",
  title: "Some Project",
  items: [
      title: "Task #1",
      duration: 8,
      color: 1,
      title: "Task #2",
      duration: 28,
      color: 2,
      title: "Milestone #1",
      color: 4,
      title: "Task #3",
      duration: 110,
      color: 3,
      title: "Task #4",
      duration: 14,
      color: 1,
      title: "Task #5",
      duration: 2,
      color: 1,

And here’s the output:


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