A simple dio log interceptor which has coloring features and json formatting

Awesome Dio Interceptor

A simple dio log interceptor (mainly inspired by the built-in dio LogInterceptor), which has coloring features and json formatting so you can have a better readable output.


  • Customizable, minimizable, and colorful output ?
  • Json formatting ?
  • Pretty FormData support (fields & files) output ⚡️

Output Samples

The last two images have been minimized, so we can have better look at the most important logs (can be enabled and disabled, enabled by default)


Just add the AwesomeDioInterceptor to your dio interceptors like so:

        // Disabling headers and timeout would minimize the logging output.
        // Optional, defaults to true
        logRequestTimeout: false,
        logRequestHeaders: false,
        logResponseHeaders: false,

        // Optional, defaults to the 'log' function in the 'dart:developer' package.
        logger: debugPrint,

Medium articles by the author

You can always read the articles I write on my devmuaz account which I write pretty great flutter content out there.

Contributions & Support

Issues and pull requests are always welcome ?

If you find this package useful for you and liked it, give it a like ❤️ and star the repo ⭐️ it would mean a lot!




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