A Proxy Server App For Open Weather API

A proxy server app for open weather api.

It is built using Shelf and shelf_rate_limiter.

This code handles HTTP GET requests to /api.

By default it allows 10 request from single IP in 60 seconds. You can configure that in bin/server.dart file.

Running the sample

Running with the Dart SDK

You can run the example with the Dart SDK
like this:

$ dart run bin/server.dart
Server listening on port 8080

And then from a second terminal:

$ curl

You should see the logging printed in the first terminal.

Running with Docker

If you have Docker Desktop installed, you
can build and run with the docker command:

$ docker build . -t myserver
$ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 myserver
Server listening on port 8080

And then from a second terminal:

$ curl

You should see the logging printed in the first terminal.


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