A multiple-choice multiplayer interactive game developed on Flutter


M.U.D. Role-playing text-based game. A multiple-choice multiplayer interactive game developed on Flutter (Android, iOS, Windows, Web). The main focus will be on Android.

The users may create rooms for their friends and/or family and play. Each room/game is made of a narrator, who will write interactive chapters following a certain set of rules, and at least 2 players.

Teia is based on GameBooks, books where you make your own decisions: “If you want to enter the cave, jump to page 32. If you want to go around, jump to page 128”.

The players are able to interact with the text (to view images, grab items and make decisions). Also, players have access to a chat where they can discuss game-related events, help each other and even trade items.
This project wll focus on this narrator-player and player-player interaction.

Narrator will be able to create multiple chapter drafts, but can only publish one at a time. Only when all players have played and discussed the current chapter, can he publish the next one.

Getting Started

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