A mobile client for PassWall API written with Flutter


PassWall Mobile is a mobile client for PassWall API written with Flutter.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the server app and build it.

  2. Clone Flutter master branch to your Workspace with git clone https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git -b master.

  3. Add /flutter/bin to your path.

  4. Run flutter doctor -v and cure if any disease.

  5. Run flutter pub get in repository clone

Hello Contributers

  1. Don't send too much commit at once. It will be easier for us to do a code review.

  2. Be sure to take a look at the second branch. The version I am working on is there.

  3. First try to fix //TODO:s in the code.

  4. Then you can contribute to the development by following the mile stones.

  5. Don't mess with the user interface. The design guide has not been released yet.

If you want to connect to the localhost server with the Android emulator, you need to write or you can use our demo server: Heroku Demo server.

Working on

  • [x] Preparation for Windows, Linux and browser applications
  • [x] Application architecture overhaul and renewal
  • [x] Biometric Authentication
  • [ ] Dark Mode

In the future

  • [ ] The list on the main page can be sorted according to the request of the user
  • [ ] Ability to share content to PassWall from another application
  • [ ] iOS Blur Screen when the app is in the background

Some Screen Shots


Login Screen:point_up: Main Screen:point_up: Detail Screen:point_up: About Screen:point_up:


Main Action:point_up: Tile Action:point_up: Create New:point_up:


Export:point_up: Import:point_up: Share:point_up:

