A lightweight flutter package to linkify texts containing urls and hashtags


A lightweight flutter package to linkify texts containing urls, emails and hashtags.


To use this package, add linkfy_text as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


// first import the package
import 'package:linkfy_text/linkify_text.dart';

    child: LinkifyText(
    "This text contains a url: https://flutter.dev",
    linkStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.blue, fontSize: 16),
    onTap: (link) {
        /// do stuff with `link`

Be default, The above snippet would linkify all urls in the string, you can choose what type of link to linkify by passing the linkTypes parameter

    child: LinkifyText(
    "This text contains a url: https://flutter.dev and #flutter",
    linkStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.blue, fontSize: 16),
    linkTypes: [LinkType.url, LinkType.hashtag]
    onTap: (link) {
        /// do stuff with `link` like
        /// if(link.type == Linktype.url) launchUrl(link.value);
Parameters Default Description
textStyle null Style applied to the text
linkStyle null Style applied to the linkified text, defaults to the textStyle
linkTypes LinkType.url A list of LinkTypes used to override the links to be linkified in the text either a hashtag, email or url.
onTap null Callback function with a Link paramater called when a link is pressed

