A library to extract Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) from a signal

A library to extract Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) from a signal.


A simple usage example:

import 'package:mfcc/mfcc.dart';

void main() {
  var sampleRate = 16000;
  var windowLength = 1024;
  var windowStride = 512;
  var fftSize = 512;
  var numFilter = 20;
  var numCoefs = 13;
  List<double> mySignal = // ...
  var features = MFCC.mfccFeats(mySignal, sampleRate, windowLength, windowStride, fftSize, numFilter, numCoefs);

Streaming usage exemple:

import 'package:mfcc/mfcc.dart';
import 'dart:async';

void main() {
  var sampleRate = 16000;
  var windowLength = 1024;
  var windowStride = 512;
  var fftSize = 512;
  var numFilter = 20;
  var numCoefs = 13;

  var mfcc_proc = MFCC(sampleRate, fftSize, numFilter, numCoefs, energy: false, preEmphasis: 0.97);
  StreamController<List<double>> audioInput = StreamController<List<double>>(); // Stream on which the audio frame are pushed

  StreamController<List<double>> featureStreamCtrl = mfcc_proc.setStream(audioInput.stream); // Feature stream controller. 

  StreamSubscription<List<double>> featureSub = featureStreamCtrl.stream.listen((features) { // Feature stream subscription.

  List<double> myFrame = ... // frame of length [windowLength]


  // doSomething is called with extracted features. 



Package documentation is available here. Generated using dartdoc.

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


This project is under aGPLv3 licence, feel free to use and modify the code under those terms. See LICENCE.


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