A GUI for the Neutrino neural singing synthesizer with Flutter


A GUI for the Neutrino neural singing synthesizer, written in Flutter (and uses synaps!).

Eyecandy / screenshots

Eye-burning Light mode

Dark mode


Seamless romaji -> hiragana voice editing

Multiple voices rendered in parallel

Undo/Redo Actions Menu

Automatic voice model listing and on-the-fly changing

MIDI/MusicXML import


Building Steps:

  1. Clone this repository somewhere
  2. flutter pub get -> gets all packages
  3. flutter pub run build_runner build -> build the generated files for json_serializable/synaps
  4. flutter build windows/macos/linux
  5. sigh just read this https://flutter.dev/desktop#distribution

N.B. I have used a fixed version of flutter_desktop_audio which I do not plan on releasing publicly, because I do not wish to maintain that codebase. I will be replacing that module with my own FFI based audio playback library. Until then, if you want to build this yourself, shoot me a message and I can give you source access to my version of flutter_desktop_audio.

