A Flutter project to practice how to use Firebase Firestore


A Flutter project to practice how to use Firebase Firestore

Getting Started

This project is a Flutter application. It consists of a list of questions.
It loads the questions from Firestore and display them in a specific order after the user answers them.
It also loads suggestions for email answers. When the user types ‘@’ the suggestions will show up.

To run the project you’ll need to follow some instructions:

  1. Setup a Firestore Database on your Firebase console.

  2. Create a collection called ‘questionnaire’ on Firestore. Each questionnaire consists of Id and a collection of questions

  3. Create another collection inside the questionnaire called questions. Each question has the fields:

    • text: String
    • number: int (the number to order the questions)
    • multi_select: bool (required if suggestions is not empty)
    • suggestions: Array (optional)
  4. Create a collection of recommendations for emails. Each recommendation has only one field

    • email: String
  5. Create a collection called answers. Each answer has the following fields:

    • answer: Array (for multi select answers)
    • question: String (id of the question)
    • questionnaire: String (id of the questtionaire)
    • session: int
  6. Set your questionnaire Id on chat_controller.dart

Questionnaire database




After configuring your project. Run it using:

flutter run


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