A flutter popup menu support both iOS and Android

This project was writed with pure dart code,which means it's support both iOS and Android.


How To Use

You can find the demo at the 'example' folder.

First, you should set the context at somewhere in you code. Like below:

PopupMenu.context = context;
PopupMenu menu = PopupMenu(
      items: [
        MenuItem(title: 'Copy', image: Image.asset('assets/copy.png')), 
        MenuItem(title: 'Home', image: Icon(Icons.home, color: Colors.white,)), 
        MenuItem(title: 'Mail', image: Icon(Icons.mail, color: Colors.white,)), 
        MenuItem(title: 'Power', image: Icon(Icons.power, color: Colors.white,)),
        MenuItem(title: 'Setting', image: Icon(Icons.settings, color: Colors.white,)), 
        MenuItem(title: 'Traffic', image: Icon(Icons.traffic, color: Colors.white,))], 
      onClickMenu: onClickMenu, 
      onDismiss: onDismiss);

menu.show(rect: rect);

