A Flutter package used to update widget tree dynamically

Fair is a lightweight package for Flutter, which can be used to update widget tree and state dynamically. This package is still at an early stage.

We create Fair so we can dispatch any pages changes to users as bundle(s), the way similar to React Native. With Flutter Fair integrated, you can publish your pages without waiting for the next release date of your App. Fair provides standard widget and some logic plugins, it can be used as a new dynamic page or as part of existing Flutter page.

Quick Start

Use Flutter Fair require few steps. Add dependency inside pubspec.yaml.

  fair: ^2.0.0

Wrap your app with FairApp Widget.

void main() {
      child: MaterialApp(home: App())

Import a dynamic widget as FairWidget

  type: 'hello_world',
  path: 'assets/bundle/hello_world.json',


For more details, please refer to https://fair.58.com


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