A Flutter package for inspecting widgets


A Flutter package for inspecting widgets. Also comes with an eyedropper functionality. Useful for debugging widgets and for QA testing.

Supports keyboard shortcuts if you’re using a physical keyboard.

Inspired by inspx.


Warning, the development of this package is still in progress and some things may break your app.


  • Color picker
  • Size inspection
  • Padding inspection
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • BorderRadius inspection
  • TextStyle inspection


Add the dependency:

$ flutter pub add inspector

Import the package:

import 'package:inspector/inspector.dart';

Wrap MaterialApp.builder or WidgetsApp.builder with Inspector:

  home: ExampleApp(),
  builder: (context, child) => Inspector(child: child!), // Wrap [child] with [Inspector]

Optionally, you can pass isEnabled to the Inspector to disable it. By default, the inspector is disabled when kReleaseMode == true.


If the inspector is enabled, then a panel appears on the right side of the screen,
with buttons to toggle size inspection and the color picker.

It’s quite straightforward to use, just tap on the widget that you want to measure
or tap on the pixel to get its color.

You can also use keyboard shortcuts – Shift will toggle the color picker, and
Alt or Cmd will toggle the widget inspector.


Contact me

Feel free to contact me at:

E-mail: kk.erzhan@gmail.com


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