A Flutter increment value project with smart contract on Astar local


A Flutter increment value project with smart contract on Astar local.

Getting Started

You should run astar-collator in your local network.


After installing, you run below command.

astar-collator --dev --tmp

deploy ‘./assets/solidity/counter.sol’ to astar local network on hardhat or remix.

You copy your smart contract address to here
‘./lib/configs/config.dart’ -> contractAddress.

const contractAddress = "paste your contract address here";

build this flutter repository.

flutter run -d web-server

And access in chrome(should be working metamask wallet extension).

Connect metamask wallet

You got this page, and metamask wake up.

Connected to your wallet!

DEMO incrementer(Contract call)

If you have connected to your wallet, you can call increment smart contract.


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