A flutter grouped list widget similar to the iOS UITableview method name


A flutter grouped list widget similar to the iOS UITableview method name.

Group tablelist package for Flutter.


  • iOS tableview-style method names.
  • Sound null safety.
  • List Items can be separated in groups.
  • The header and footer of the overall tablelist can be set.
  • You can use almost all the original parameters of the Listview in the GroupTableList.

Getting Started

Add the package to your pubspec.yaml:

group_tablelist: ^0.0.4

In your dart file, import the library:

import 'package:group_tablelist/group_tablelist.dart';

Instead of using a SliverList create a SliverGroupTableList Widget:

 numberOfSections: showcaseList.length,
 numberOfRowsInSection: (section) => showcaseList[section].item.length,
 cellForRowAtIndexPath: (indexPath) => _flutterShowcaseCell(
 headerInSection: (section) => _makeHeaderOrFooterInSection(section),
 overallHeader: () => _makeOverAll('overallHeader'),
 overallFooter: () => _makeOverAll('overallFooter'),
 footerInSection: (section) => _makeHeaderOrFooterInSection(section),
 didSelectRowAtIndexPath: (indexPath) => _handleDidSelectAtIndexPath(indexPath),


Instead of using a Listview create a GroupTableList Widget:

  numberOfSections: showcaseList.length,
  numberOfRowsInSection: (section) => showcaseList[section].item.length,
  cellForRowAtIndexPath: (indexPath) => _flutterShowcaseCell(
  headerInSection: (section) => _makeHeaderOrFooterInSection(section),
  overallHeader: () => _makeOverAll('overallHeader'),
  overallFooter: () => _makeOverAll('overallFooter'),
  footerInSection: (section) => _makeHeaderOrFooterInSection(section),
  didSelectRowAtIndexPath: (indexPath) => _handleDidSelectAtIndexPath(indexPath),



Name Description Required Default value
numberOfSections Asks the data source to return the number of sections in the tablelist. no 1
numberOfRowsInSection Returns the number of rows (table cells) in a specified section. required
cellForRowAtIndexPath Returns the table cell at the index path you specify. required
separatorAtIndexPath Returns the separator at the index path you specify. no
sectionSeparator Asks for a separator to display of the specified section of the tablelist. no
headerInSection Asks for a view to display in the header of the specified section of the tablelist. no
footerInSection Asks for a view to display in the footer of the specified section of the tablelist. no
overallHeader Headerview of the entire tablelist. no
overallFooter Footerview of the entire tablelist. no
placeholderView The no data view is displayed when no data. no
didSelectRowAtIndexPath The callback when a list item is clicked. no


Name Description Required Default value
numberOfSections Asks the data source to return the number of sections in the tablelist. no 1
numberOfRowsInSection Returns the number of rows (table cells) in a specified section. required
cellForRowAtIndexPath Returns the table cell at the index path you specify. required
separatorAtIndexPath Returns the separator at the index path you specify. no
sectionSeparator Asks for a separator to display of the specified section of the tablelist. no
headerInSection Asks for a view to display in the header of the specified section of the tablelist. no
footerInSection Asks for a view to display in the footer of the specified section of the tablelist. no
overallHeader Headerview of the entire tablelist. no
overallFooter Footerview of the entire tablelist. no
placeholderView The no data view is displayed when no data. no
didSelectRowAtIndexPath The callback when a list item is clicked. no
other parameters that the Listview originally had


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