A flutter application helps people with prosthetic limbs.
- To get information about the latest news and technology.
- Browse products and buy them online.
- Knows the most common issues and gets support.
- Firebase auth for creating an account with email.
- Shared preferences for storing user data.
- Firebase cloud firestore, Firebase storage for storing data online.
- Paymob for payment online.
- HTTP post.
- screen-util for adapting screen.
- Bloc design pattern.
- Web_view/ video player/ image picker for good user experience.
splash screen |
welcome screen 1 |
welcome screen 2 |
welcome screen 3 |
sign-up screen |
log-in screen |
news screen |
article details screen |
web-view screen |
store screen |
search screen |
product details screen |
cart screen |
order details screen |
payment screen |
fix screen |
profile screen |
edit profile screen |
admin screen |
admin product screen |
admin news screen |
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