A Command Line Interface for Dart

Very Good CLI

A Very Good Command Line Interface for Dart.


$ dart pub global activate very_good_cli


$ very_good create

Create a very good project in seconds based on the provided template. The Very Good Core template is used by default.

Creates a new very good project in the specified directory.

Usage: very_good create <output directory>
-h, --help                    Print this usage information.
    --project-name            The project name for this new project. This must be a valid dart package name.
    --desc                    The description for this new project.
                              (defaults to "A Very Good Project created by Very Good CLI.")
    --org-name                The organization for this new project.
                              (defaults to "com.example.verygoodcore")
-t, --template                The template used to generate this new project.

          [core] (default)    Generate a Very Good Flutter application.
          [dart_pkg]          Generate a reusable Dart package.
          [flutter_pkg]       Generate a reusable Flutter package.

What's Included in Very Good Core? ?

Out of the box, Very Good Core includes:

✅  Cross Platform Support - Built-in support for iOS, Android, and Web (Desktop coming soon!)

✅  Build Flavors - Multiple flavor support for development, staging, and production

✅  Internationalization Support - Internationalization support using synthetic code generation to streamline the development process

✅  Sound Null-Safety - No more null-dereference exceptions at runtime. Develop with a sound, static type system.

✅  Bloc - Integrated bloc architecture for scalable, testable code which offers a clear separation between business logic and presentation

✅  Testing - Unit and Widget Tests with 100% line coverage (Integration Tests coming soon!)

✅  Logging - Built-in, extensible logging to capture uncaught Flutter and Dart Exceptions

✅  Very Good Analysis - Strict Lint Rules which are used at Very Good Ventures

✅  Continuous Integration - Lint, format, test, and enforce code coverage using GitHub Actions

* Learn more at Flutter Starter App: Very Good Core & CLI

$ very_good --help

See the complete list of commands and usage information.

? A Very Good Command Line Interface

Usage: very_good <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help           Print this usage information.
    --version        Print the current version.
    --analytics      Toggle anonymous usage statistics.

          [false]    Disable anonymous usage statistics
          [true]     Enable anonymous usage statistics

Available commands:
  create   very_good create <output directory>
           Creates a new very good flutter project in the specified directory.

Run "very_good help <command>" for more information about a command.

