A command line app for experimenting with OpenAI API prompts and GPT

Stackwire Runner for OpenAI

A command line app for experimenting with OpenAI API prompts

Currently only chat completion API is supported.

Setup Experiment

An experiment will require three files

  • experiment file – this contains all the configuration info needed to make the call to OpenAI
  • prompt file – this is the file that you want to include as the prompt to OpenAI
  • API key file – contains your OpenAI API Key

First create your experiment file. You can name it anything, by default the program will look for ‘experiment.json’. The following is for running a prompt multiple times.

 "experiment_name" : "multirun-exp",
 "number_of_runs" : 2,
 "response_format" : "text",
 "output_dir" : "output",
 "api_key_file": "api_key.txt",
 "prompt_template" : "prompt.txt",
 "ai_config" : {
   "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
   "temperature": 1.2,
   "top_p": 1,
   "max_tokens": 500
 "template_values" : {
   "rank" : "Commander in Starfleet",
   "show" : "The Original Star Trek"

You can also chain prompts by setting the response_format to “json” and setting a run_depth > 0. The prompt will need to return in JSON and the json fields will be used to fill-in the values for the next prompt sent to OpenAI. You can look in the “example” directory to see how this is done.

  "experiment_name" : "chain-exp",
  "number_of_runs" : 1,
  "response_format" : "json",
  "run_depth" : 2,
  "output_dir" : "output",
  "api_key_file": "api_key.txt",
  "prompt_template" : "prompt-json.txt",
  "ai_config" : {
    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    "temperature": 1.2,
    "top_p": 1,
    "max_tokens": 500
  "template_values" : {
    "rank" : "Commander in Starfleet"
Field Description
experiment_name The name of your experiment. Don’t use spaces or illegal characters.
number_of_runs The number of times to run your experiment. This will be the number of times you call OpenAI API.
output_dir directory where you want to put the output
api_key_file the path of your api key file
prompt_template the path of your prompt template
template_values any values you want to fill-in to the prompt template. This field must exist but may have no values.
response_format either json or text. The default value is text if not specified
run_depth the depth of a prompt chain. Default value is 0
ai_config the configuration parameters that are sent to OpenAI. You may add any legal parameters that OpenAI uses

Next create your prompt file: You can name it anything, in our case it is data/prompt.txt. An example is given below. The template value from the experiment file will replace the special syntax ${rank}

Write me a story about ${rank}. One Sentence Only.

The prompt sent to OpenAI will be

Write me a story about Commander in Starfleet. One Sentence Only.

If you are doing prompt chaining, consider the following example

Write me a story about ${rank}. The main character is ${mainCharacterName}. If no main character is given, choose one. Write one sentence only.
The response should be in JSON using the following structure. Only use these fields. {"mainCharacterName": "${mainCharacterName}"}

On the first request, the prompt sent to OpenAI will be

Write me a story about Commander in Starfleet. The main character is . If no main character is given, choose one. Write one sentence only.
The response should be in JSON using the following structure. Only use these fields. {"mainCharacterName": ""}

The content of the response:

{"mainCharacterName": "Captain Kirk"}

The second request:

Write me a story about Commander in Starfleet. The main character is Captain Kirk. If no main character is given, choose one. Write one sentence only.
The response should be in JSON using the following structure. Only use these fields. {"mainCharacterName": "Captain Kirk"}

Adding API Key

Add a file that contains your API Key (the one below is not real). In our example. we call it api_key.txt


Download Program

You can build this project yourself. Or download the stackwire executable for your platform from Artifacts. They are under the Actions tab. Unzip after downloading.


For macos and linux you will need to make the file executable

chmod a+x stackwire

For mac, you will need to do something like the following before running from command-line. https://thewiredshopper.com/apple-cannot-check-for-malicious-software-error/

Run Experiment

Run the following command.

stackwire experiments.json

The above command will generate the output directory with a record of all of the requests and responses from OpenAI.


For each run you will get a record of the request sent:

  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  "temperature": 1.2,
  "top_p": 1,
  "max_tokens": 500,
  "messages": [
      "role": "user",
      "content": "Write me a story about Commander in Starfleet. One Sentence Only."

And the response from OpenAI. This will allow you to also determine tokens used.

  "id": "chatcmpl-74WgfENKxOmQwRwtpoJ6IFELyzNTL",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "created": 1681313317,
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301",
  "usage": {
    "prompt_tokens": 22,
    "completion_tokens": 27,
    "total_tokens": 49
  "choices": [
      "message": {
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "As Commander of the USS Enterprise, Jean-Luc Picard boldly leads his crew through perilous missions and treks through the galaxy."
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0

You will also get a text-only output of the run

Write me a story about Commander in Starfleet. One Sentence Only.
As Commander of the USS Enterprise, Jean-Luc Picard boldly leads his crew through perilous missions and treks through the galaxy.

Building this project

Make sure that you have dart installed. And then From the project root

dart pub get

dart compile exe bin/stackwire.dart -o stackwire


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